So, I know this post is a little delayed, but.... it's official... Justin will have another girl in his life in addition to me and Macy! Isn't he just the luckiest???
I was a complete ball of nerves the day of the ultrasound. Not only were we finding out what the baby was, but we were going to get to see him or her! The last time we saw the baby, it was just a little bean, so I was so excited to see how it had developed. Here I am at 20 weeks just before we left to find out what she was!

During the appointment, they pointed out the baby's legs, arms, hands, feet, little heartbeat... and then she said it, "It looks like a little girl, congratulations!" I can't even explain how amazing that moment was... for one, I was convinced I was having a boy, so I was very surprised! I immediately started thinking about all the precious moments I was going to share with her, and all the cute stuff I was going to get to buy, lol. Justin was probably thinking about all the headaches he was about to have, lol. In all seriousness though, we both were so filled with joy, and so excited to finally picture our little girl. We truly can't thank God enough for this precious blessing. Here's what she looked like that morning.
We decided to name her Adele Margaret. We just love the name Adele and Margaret is after my sweet Mammaw - who means so much to me!
After, the appointment, Justin and I couldn't help but go buy something pink and frilly for little Adele. We also started working on her nursery, which, now a few weeks later, has come along very nicely! I'll post pictures when it's completely finished.
Other than that, the pregnancy has been amazing. I've been so blessed. I've only gained about five pounds, which my doctor said was fine. I haven't been nauseous or too tired. Adele moves A LOT and Justin has already been able to feel her kick, too.
I've also taken up making cutesy little headbands... my mom made all our hair accessories growing up, so I figured I could dothe same. I'm actually quite impressed with my skills, check it out below.

We've got about another 17 weeks to go... I think it's going to just blow by! Until next time...
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