
The Finish Line?

Dare I risk announcing the doctors think Elliot will be home tomorrow???

They've been saying for about two weeks now that it would be very soon, but we kept having setback after setback that would push us back another day. We thought for sure after he pulled his feeding tube out two weeks ago he'd be home, but then he lost weight.

Then last Friday we thought Saturday would be the day, but then his heart rate dropped during a feeding. Apparently there is a 5-day rule once that happens, which makes tomorrow the day. We have been praying nonstop that we are at the finish line.

Dr. Munoz seemed very positive when we saw him earlier today, so we are very hopeful that as of this time tomorrow Elliot will be free of all the wires, have finally seen the sun and be loved on in his own home. Please pray with us for Elliot's continued health and happy homecoming!

In other news, it has been a while since I've posted, so there is a lot to catch up on. Elliot is now 6 pounds, 5 ounces and is really starting to fill out! His cheeks just kill me they are so cute... reminds me so much of Adele when she was first born. He's also extremely alert! He just follows you around the room with his eyes. He's so curious. I can't imagine how bored he must be staring at the same walls all day!

He also passed his second hearing screening! He failed his first one, so we were nervous he might have some issues with his hearing as can be common for children with Down syndrome. Praise God he passed the second one making this no longer a concern.

Since I've last posted we received more information about the AV canal defect in his heart. He will eventually have to have open heart surgery to correct this defect. Luckily, this defect is not presenting any major issues at this point, but the cardiologist will continue to monitor it as he grows. We've read that overwhelming this surgery is done before six months of life, so we know this is on the horizon.

Other than that, Elliot is doing so well. Over the past six weeks, we have experienced such a range of emotions, but overwhelmingly, we have experienced such joy in navigating this new world. Elliot is our perfect boy - the boy we have prayed over since the moment I found out I was pregnant. We are just so excited to get home and really start this incredible journey in raising him!

Again, thank you for your prayers, messages and support. We really do appreciate it! Here's a pic from this past week of our little diva being a great big sister!