After I put the schedule together, this friend and I decided to invite a couple other kiddos into the mix and (ta-dah!) Crafty Fridays was born!
I start out each session with a book and then we craft off of what we read. We've painted with "squid ink." We've made bookmarks out of paint swatches. We've made hula girls out of washi tape. But guys, today's craft HAD to be documented in the blogosphere. It was just that cute.
When I saw that National Donut Day was a Friday, I knew I would have to plan accordingly. I reserved "If you Give a Dog a Donut" from the library and another mom volunteered to bring the donuts. Which of course all of the moms sat around and ate before class started because Shipley's.
After we read the book, we got started with our crafts.
1. Cardboard Donuts
I had this vision of each kid having three donuts to decorate that they could then use for pretend play, so I wanted it to be thicker than cardstock. Luckily we just had an Amazon shipment, so I took my x-acto knife to that box spending the better part of Tuesday night cutting out donut shapes. Let me tell you.... this craft was worth every hand cramp I had from cutting them out! I had the kids use water-based acrylics for the icing. For the sprinkles, I used leftover confetti out of cascarones (Easter eggs) that I still had in our cabinet. Guys, look at these! So darling. And I love that this craft was age-appropriate for each kid here since they range from three to eight years old.

2. Wooden Spoon
I found these wooden spoons for super cheap at Walmart, so I just had them use the same paint off of the donuts to paint a wooden spoon again for pretend play.
3. Aprons
I feel as though I should get a ribbon for creativity here. I found these aprons in a pack at Hobby Lobby for $11.99. With my 40% off coupon, I thought it was a good deal! I knew I wanted the kids to paint donuts on it, so I spent some time trying to figure out some kind of stamp or stencil... when it dawned on me. A pool noodle! I sliced one we already had into several stamps perfect for tiny hands. I gave them some fresh paint and let them have at it. These kids were so adorable. You could tell they were all so proud of their creations!
We wrapped up the morning with, of course, more donuts!
I am so thankful that God has given me mom friends that allow me to teach their kids in a fun way. This has been a fun few weeks and I'm so looking forward to what Crafty Friday holds in the future. I probably have room for two more children, *wink wink*.
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