For those of you who know me well, you know about my obsession with vocabulary. I'm always so giddy when this list debuts. Filled with pop culture nods and technology jargon, this list looks as though an intern at MTV took the compilation job. That is, I might add, an intern that watches too many Fresh Prince reruns as "chillax" made the cut. I don't think I've heard that one since 1997. Better late than never?
Some of these words I've never heard of before like "automagically" and "steampunk." Where did those come from?
On a whole, I like the list, but probably only because I like words. I can't decide which is my favorite addition. Bromance, hater, buzzkill, vuvuzela??? There are too many to choose from!
I can't wait to try these out. In fact, maybe I can get Justin to play a game of Scrabble right now...
I'm a huge fan of a good "bromance"!!