It's been so long since I've updated!!! The last half of 2010 was crazy busy!
2010 was another great year for us, and we're so excited to see what 2011 will bring!
Justin and I had a blast celebrating the holidays this year. Justin took me to see Pat Green for my birthday. He puts on such a great show! Afterward, Pat Green signed my koozie, "happy birthday!" It's my official drinking koozie from now on!
My mom came up and spent Christmas with us. Even though we've been in our house for over a year, this was the first Christmas we hosted. We made a Mexican feast complete with tamales and my sister's beans. Her beans are so good!!!
On Dec. 29, we went to cheer on my Bears at the Texas Bowl. Despite the torrential rain and the embarrassing loss, I had a great time seeing Baylor play in Houston and catching up with friends. We went out afterward around Rice Village. It was a pretty eventful night, lol. We'll leave it at that!
Then, we spent NYE this past weekend in San Antonio with friends. I think I had enough chips, salsa and margaritas to last me through 2011... seriously! But, the Riverwalk is so pretty during the holidays. This was our second year to go for NYE; I hope we go back every year!
Now, we're back home. Back to reality. Justin went back to work today, but my office doesn't open until tomorrow. I got lucky! So, I've been spending the day watching Fresh Prince reruns and playing with Macy!
I guess that's about it for now - here's to 2011 and everything it might bring!!!