Justin and I both took today off from work to just chill for a change. I was able to finish reading "Eva Moves the Furniture" by Margot Livesey. I loved this book! It had a bit of mystery and romance - my favorite kind of book. Justin has spent the day playing Mario Kart (he has now beaten this game many times over) and watching YouTube clips of guys eating an obscene amount of burgers in ten minutes.
We had lunch at Chick-fil-a. It never ceases to amaze me how many children there are in this world. You can go to any Chick-fil-a on any given day to remind yourself of how large the American kid population must be. The Chick-fil-a cow, also in attendance, was taunted repeatedly with punches and kicks. And, of course, there are always the kids that are terrified of him. Another little girl with haphazard pig tails sat in the booth behind me and continually yelled in my ear. Let's just say it was the perfect amount of birth control.
Also, today I had the opportunity to interview fashion designer Gayla Bentley for an upcoming article I'm writing for Focus On Women Magazine. She was absolutely fabulous and such a fun woman to talk to. I love when I'm interviewing people and it turns into a conversation. You get the best stories that way! I don't want to give up too much information here because I want you to pick up an issue of the magazine when it comes out in August :) Just know that it'll be a good one!
To kick off our 3-day weekend, last night Justin and I went to the Ronald McDonald House Young Friends happy hour at the Nouveau Antique Art Bar on Main Street and had a really good time. I had never been there before and was really impressed with the ambience. The pub boasts one of the largest private collections of Tiffany lamps. They are every where in there - hanging from the ceilings, on the walls and on the furniture. I loved each and every one of them! I thought the place was very classy and the perfect spot for a conversation over drinks. It's also a great place for a networking happy hour because there was plenty of space to move around and the music was quiet enough to get to know the people around you. I will definitely be going there again. Also, props to them for donating pizza for the Young Friends to munch on!
That about wraps up this post... thanks for reading :)