
31 Weeks, 3 Days

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands." - Psalm 138:7-8

I found these verses to be extremely comforting today. When you look up the word preserve it means to keep alive or in existence; make lasting; to keep safe from harm or injury; protect or spare. And it hit me, God is the preserver of my life and of Elliot's! With the news we got last night, it's evident that God is continuously working on Elliot, making him stronger every day... preserving him every moment of the day, keeping him safe from harm or injury. He has a purpose for this moment in our lives and how truly wonderful it is to know that this is in God's hands.

Today I am 31 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I'm happy to report we received some great news last night! The perinatologist did a scan yesterday evening to check to see if the bedrest is doing anything for my placenta. Before she said anything else, she said, "There's something magical about bedrest." I'll never forget those words! She went on to explain that the blood flow from placenta to baby was much improved. Not improved enough for me to go home (not going to ever be an option with my condition), but improved enough that sweet Elliot gets to stay inside a little longer! She also was very impressed by the fact that he had no dips in his heart rate as of yet and said, "Look at this little trooper." I'm already such a proud mom!

Because of the good report, they were able to move me off of the labor & delivery floor and into the ante partum section. They also took the IV out and instead of continuous heart rate monitoring for Elliot, they've moved to intermittent monitoring. All of that means... I'm not hooked up to machines 24/7 anymore, yay! She's also hopeful that I can make it to 34 weeks, which is great news.

First and foremost, Justin and I want to let everyone know that we have felt your prayers. It has been such an emotional time for us and to know so many have been praying for us has been such a comfort through the whole ordeal. We do ask that you continue praying. While all of this is good news, we are not out of the woods and we are still more than likely looking at a preterm birth any way you slice it. Also, living in the hospital for three plus weeks is going to be really hard as you all can imagine. I miss my Adele more than I can even begin to explain. It's so hard not to tuck her in every night. Justin's been bringing her up for dinner, but I cry every time they leave. Please pray that the next few weeks go by quickly and fruitfully for our family. Also, continue to pray for our medical team... that they will ultimately make the right call on when to bring Elliot into this world.

Again, thanks for all your prayers and we'll continue to update as we know more.

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